The news came so discretely it barely caused a ripple. On October 19, without any of the usual PR fanfare, voice recognition giant Nuance quietly scooped up Spain's AGNITIO, a company many consider the world leader in voice biometrics solutions used by law enforcement, government intelligence agencies and the military. The only signs of any change: fleeting reference on … [Read more...]
MemSQL – Living Up to Claims of High Speed Analytics
In the Fall of 2014, startup MemSQL was selected for funding by In-Q-Tel, the unique not-for-profit venture capital fund set up and run by the CIA for the benefit of the U.S. Intelligence Community. MemSQL, often lumped with Big Data companies but best described as a "Fast Data" player, had already accumultated some $45 million in VC funding, so money alone isn't what made … [Read more...]
IBM i2 Visualization – Showing its Age
Over the last decade IBM has invested US $25 billion on acquisitions -- SPSS, Netezza, i2 and CyberTap, to name just a few – with the goal of making IBM the global leader in analytics and IBM i2 visualization a standout product for law enforcement and military clients.Together with the company’s array of in-house platforms developed by a team of 8,000 software engineers, the … [Read more...]
Recorded Future Update: Real Time Intel With GEOINT Added
Recorded Future is a prominent vendor in the security sector, promoting its Web Intelligence Engine as the means to continuously scout every corner of the Web for potential cyber threats. Less well-recognized but equally important, the company’s many capabilities can be turned to the needs of ensuring national security through Intelligence Support Systems (ISS). In addition … [Read more...]
Fifth Dimension: Deep Learning for True Pre-Crime Prevention
When ISS World Americas 2016 opens, attendees have an opportunity to see a solution far beyond the usual run-of-the-mill malware, lawful intercept, packet capture and analytics ware on display: Fifth Dimension Deep Learning, a true pre-crime solution. This is the real thing -- not a Tom Cruise fantasy. Fifth Dimension has documented case studies of preventing … [Read more...]