Few nations outside the Middle East war zones have suffered more horrific terrorist attacks as France. The two worst incidents, in Paris Nov. 13, 2015 and Nice July 14, 2016, followed France’s deployment of a system designed to prevent such attacks - Thales PNij (Plateforme Nationale des Interceptions Judiciaires). According to French law enforcement officers the PNij is so … [Read more...]
Beyond the Law? Extraordinary Cyber Power of the FBI
The following item is re-published from an earlier analysis where it was buried in review of a major U.S. cyber vendor. We are re-posting and updating that section of the analysis here as a standalone piece -- all about the extraordinary cyber power of the FBI -- to make it easier for I.S. members to find and reference. No, we are not referencing the old Steven Siegal … [Read more...]
Providence Group – Intense Focus on Customization and Training
Let's say it up front: What we like about Providence Group and its affiliated companies is that they start from scratch, make no assumptions, focus on needs -- and never arbitrarily pitch any product or solution to a client's challenge merely because it's something they happen to sell. Everything Providence delivers follows a logical model: Understand the problem, propose the … [Read more...]
Golden Oldie: Cisco 6500 Still a Mainstay of Lawful Intercept
For all the public criticism Cisco levels at government surveillance, a key product -- the Cisco 6500 Router -- remains a bulwark of lawful intercept in the U.S. As the dominant provider of Internet service provider routers Cisco has little choice in the matter. As long as the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) remains the law of the land, all networks … [Read more...]
France’s Ockham Solutions Blends Analytics and Forensics
While we are on the subject of French ISS companies this week [see Aqsaqom review], let us consider another important vendor from that land, Ockham Solutions. Ockham augments the work of lawful intercept with an analytics and forensics solution that goes beyond the call of duty for investigators. Launched in 2005 by a former law officer and his IT partner, Ockham Solutions … [Read more...]