If you wish to fathom how the surveillance discipline of facial recognition crosses over into the areas of ELINT, COMINT, SIGINT and OSINT, ask Group 2000 of The Netherlands. Since late 2015 the company has offered a 3D facial recognition system both standalone and in combination with products designed for conventional intelligence work. Group 2000’s LIMA Biometric Identity … [Read more...]
Smile, Lone Wolf Terrorist — You’re on NEC NeoFace Watch
C5IS reviews NEC NeoFace Watch -- fast, accurate biometric facial recognition technology -- as a deterrent to lone wolf terrorist attacks. Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Charlie Hebdo, Paris. Sousse Beach, Tunisia. U.S. military bases in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And on Monday 20 July, Suruc, Turkey. Hardly a day goes by without the horror of a lone wolf terrorist attack aimed at … [Read more...]