C5IS reviews Wintego CatchApp, a solution that leverages a little-known vulnerability in WhatsApp's Signal protocol implementation. Wintego created an uproar in late 2016 when it was revealed that a product brochure made the claim that Wintego’s CatchApp solution offers the “unprecedented capability” to crack end-to-end encryption (E2EE) used by the popular messaging … [Read more...]
CyberSeal Double Play: IMSI Catchers and Detectors
In industry panels on mobile interception, it’s not often that the name CyberSeal surfaces. As a subsidiary of Israel’s Magal S3, CyberSeal is but one component of Magal’s broad portfolio of physical and cybersecurity solutions sold to governments and critical infrastructure enterprises. But tucked away inside its giant parent company, CyberSeal is a hidden gem of special … [Read more...]
Presidential Cybersecurity Order – Trumped by WannaCrypt Malware
On May 12, 2017, the Administration issued a long-awaited Executive Order on Cybersecurity, outlining the President’s strategy - and mandate - to improve security for federal agencies, critical infrastructure industries and other enterprises. Depending on your interpretation, it was either perfect timing for President Donald Trump, cyber-wise - or else Friday the 13th struck a … [Read more...]
Best Mobile Hacking – Gemalto SIM Cards, Diameter and 5G IoT
This week C5IS takes you on a tour - past, present and future - of the best mobile hacking. Coming up in a series of three analyses: the NSA/GCHQ end point, encryption bypass attack on Gemalto SIM Cards; recent revelations that vulnerability of phones using SS7 and SIGTRAN persists as the industry migrates to Diameter protocol; plus the ways hackers plan to attack Internet of … [Read more...]
Sovereign Intelligence and Sixgill: Applying AI to Dark Web Analytics
C5IS explores the merits of Sovereign Intelligence and Sixgill, pioneers in deploying deep learning and AI for Dark Web Analytics. With the Deep Web and Dark Web comprising some 90 percent of the Internet, the trick of finding the right data to monitor and analyze for "actionable intelligence" is half the challenge. Equally daunting: automating the process so that alerts are … [Read more...]