C5IS reviews Raytheon SureView, a Big Data visual analytics system for law enforcement that competes with products by IBM – and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In late May, 2015 Raytheon formalized a significant joint venture merging its Cyber unit with Websense, a holding of Vista Equity Partners. The goal: creation of a “defense grade” commercial company – 80 … [Read more...]
Raytheon Visual Analytics: Opting Out of War Games
C5IS reviews Raytheon’s venture into visual analytics and asks: Why did Raytheon and the Pentagon pass on embracing visualization for warfighter intel and stick with the status quo -- the beleaguered Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) so disliked by Special Forces and Marines? With just 9,800 U.S. troops left in Afghanistan on the tail end of America’s longest-running … [Read more...]
Smile, Lone Wolf Terrorist — You’re on NEC NeoFace Watch
C5IS reviews NEC NeoFace Watch -- fast, accurate biometric facial recognition technology -- as a deterrent to lone wolf terrorist attacks. Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Charlie Hebdo, Paris. Sousse Beach, Tunisia. U.S. military bases in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And on Monday 20 July, Suruc, Turkey. Hardly a day goes by without the horror of a lone wolf terrorist attack aimed at … [Read more...]
SnapTrends & Chenega: Offshore Growth May Not Be a “Snap”
C5IS reviews the partnership of SnapTrends and Chenega: location-based social media monitoring that vies for “pre-crime” Awareness. Is the world of “pre-crime” capability a real-life possibility, empowering law enforcement and government agencies to neutralize potential targets and threats before-the-fact? To hear SnapTrends tell it, that day is here with their help. … [Read more...]
Pen-Link: Surveillance Wizard of Lincoln
C5IS reviews Pen-Link, one of the oldest U.S. lawful intercept providers, and among the first to develop analytics software -- now for a global market. Mention “Wizard of Omaha,” and everyone knows you mean Warren Buffett, the genius who redefined investing, became one of the world’s wealthiest men, yet remains noted for his unassuming manner. Just a few miles away in … [Read more...]