Radisys made big news in mid-June 2016 when Verizon inked a deal becoming first commercial customer for the Radisys FlowEngine Intelligent Traffic Distribution system, which the former Baby Bell will use to improve network intelligence and control. Even so, analyst reaction to this major contract win was mixed. Most gave the deal a thumbs-up and switched their recommendation … [Read more...]
Just in Time for Halloween, Nuance Acquires AGNITIO
The news came so discretely it barely caused a ripple. On October 19, without any of the usual PR fanfare, voice recognition giant Nuance quietly scooped up Spain's AGNITIO, a company many consider the world leader in voice biometrics solutions used by law enforcement, government intelligence agencies and the military. The only signs of any change: fleeting reference on … [Read more...]
Elbit Systems’ CYBERBIT: Not Your Father’s Lawful Intercept
When Israel's Elbit Systems purchased the Cyber and Intelligence Division of NICE Systems last year, Elbit's mission was to leverage the new asset to elevate its CYBERBIT subsidiary into a global powerhouse in two areas: cyber security for the enterprise, and lawful interception for government agencies and police. They've succeeded at both, and in remarkable ways. On the law … [Read more...]
MemSQL – Living Up to Claims of High Speed Analytics
In the Fall of 2014, startup MemSQL was selected for funding by In-Q-Tel, the unique not-for-profit venture capital fund set up and run by the CIA for the benefit of the U.S. Intelligence Community. MemSQL, often lumped with Big Data companies but best described as a "Fast Data" player, had already accumultated some $45 million in VC funding, so money alone isn't what made … [Read more...]
IBM i2 Visualization – Showing its Age
Over the last decade IBM has invested US $25 billion on acquisitions -- SPSS, Netezza, i2 and CyberTap, to name just a few – with the goal of making IBM the global leader in analytics and IBM i2 visualization a standout product for law enforcement and military clients.Together with the company’s array of in-house platforms developed by a team of 8,000 software engineers, the … [Read more...]