Today C5IS focuses on Vehere, a provider of diverse lawful intercept products, as well as spectrum monitoring and cryptanalysis specific to military and national security needs. Founded in Kolkata in 2006, Vehere offers a lawful intercept suite that includes an enriched monitoring center, DPI probes, mobile location solutions, data retention, and capabilities in voice … [Read more...]
Rohde & Schwarz’s ipoque: A “Class Act” in DPI
Time was when Rohde & Schwarz’s subsidiary ipoque, one of the foremost makers of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) solutions, was fairly open about the use of its technology for law intercept and national security. Then came the Snowden controversy. From that point on, where surveillance was concerned, one might say that ipoque went opaque. The company remains a strong player … [Read more...]
Recorded Future: Discerning the Right Data in Real Time
In the drive to pinpoint meaningful insights from vast amounts of data, there are many schools of thought, but two stand out: (1) that of companies such as Recorded Future, which extracts finite actionable intelligence from diverse OSINT sources to quickly predict events, their timing, attackers and targets; and (2) “deep Web” players like BrightPlanet that strive for the same … [Read more...]
Trovicor: The Black Panther of Surveillance
Of all the symbols in the surveillance industry, few resonate like the black panther of Trovicor. Pound for pound scarcely larger than a man, the panther is a silent stalker that strikes with speed, cunning and astounding strength. Size is irrelevant when counted against the assets of intelligence, stealth and – where prey are cornered -- jaws as powerful as a … [Read more...]
BAE Systems CommsReveal: The Right Prescription for Telecoms Churn
As the month of March opened, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence “came in like a lion” with a product launch that shows once again how technologies developed for surveillance can find their way into the commercial arena. BAE’s new CommsReveal, billed as a “prescriptive analytics” solution, is targeted at communications service providers suffering the age-old telecoms challenges … [Read more...]