C5IS reviews Australia’s SSI Pacific, a provider of turnkey lawful intercept solutions, data retention and analytics, cybersecurity, and real-time OSINT. There was a time when specialist practitioners dominated the surveillance marketplace. A company might offer lawful intercept solutions, but not warrant management; or strictly mobile location; or analytics and … [Read more...]
China’s Sinovatio: Surveillance from the Heartland of Hacking
Sinovatio, based in Shenzhen, China, is an established maker of surveillance products: lawful intercept devices, deep packet inspection, decryption, mobile location, forensics, social media OSINT harvesting and Big Data analytics. But is a comprehensive portfolio enough to overcome the poisonous environment surrounding Chinese IT following the recent spate of cyberattacks? … [Read more...]
Surveillance Vendor Reviews: C5IS Nears the Century Mark
In advance of our one-year anniversary, C5IS observes an important milestone: publication of nearly 100 surveillance vendor reviews spanning market leaders -- and a few also-rans -- in the global electronic surveillance industry. Our surveillance vendor reviews cover companies that provide one or more of the following products and services: trusted third party services for … [Read more...]
Sqrll Cyber Defense: Begin With the Right Questions
Interviews with Sqrll co-founder Ely Khan invariably mention his background as Director of Cybersecurity at the White House. Accumulo-based cybersecurity leader Sqrll launched in 2012. The White House suffered a notorious cyberattack in 2014. If White House data wasn’t protected by a system with the proven quals of Sqrll, why not? Welcome to the contrary worlds of top … [Read more...]
ATIS UHER: Lawful Intercept With German Engineering, Swiss Precision
C5IS reviews Germany’s ATIS UHER, one of the world’s longest-running acts in lawful intercept (LI) and recording devices for military, public safety and air traffic control. Think German science & engineering and a number of feats come to mind: the theory of relativity, the modern binary system, discovery of radio waves, the first telephone transmitter and for that … [Read more...]