In business for nearly a quarter of a century, SpeechPro provides voice recording, biometrics and forensic tools for surveillance and commercial purposes in 73 countries. They partner with some of the leading tech companies in the world: Cisco, Avaya, Oracle, Genesys and Panasonic. In July of this year Speech Technology Magazine, the leading trade pub, named SpeechPro a “star … [Read more...]
De-Bunking the Myth of U.S. Tech Sales Lost Due to NSA
Flashback to October 2013. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Customers worldwide are furious about NSA spying. That means imminent doom for the U.S. tech industry. Offshore sales will plummet as buyers drop U.S. tech products/services and buy local instead. The end is nigh! News flash for Chicken Little: The sky’s still up there. It’s shining bright over a U.S. tech … [Read more...]
Mounting Losses: What’s Wrong with Leidos?
In late August, swept up in the year’s biggest craze for charitable fund-raising, Leidos CEO Roger Krone did a televised “ice bucket challenge” to support research for a cure to ALS. But the real dousing came this week when investors took a bath over the company’s reported operating loss of nearly half a billion dollars U.S. for the second quarter. Gone for good: $US 482 … [Read more...]
News: Microsoft in “Contempt of Court” on Irish Data Center Squabble
The Southern District Court of New York has ruled Microsoft in contempt of court for failing to meet a Sept. 5 deadline to turn over emails stored in a Dublin, Ireland data center. U.S. law enforcement sought access to the emails as evidence in a criminal investigation. The court set a deadline for Microsoft's compliance with an order following the company's second loss of the … [Read more...]
UK’s Privacy International: Political Sockpuppet
This week we had an unusual request -- a young man named Edin Omanovic from Privacy International sought membership in C5IS. Because this site is closed to industry outsiders we moved quickly to issue a polite rejection. But our electronic payment system beat us to the punch, rejecting his credit card for "insufficient balance." With a little digging we learned that Mr. … [Read more...]