C5IS reviews Australia’s SSI Pacific, a provider of turnkey lawful intercept solutions, data retention and analytics, cybersecurity, and real-time OSINT. There was a time when specialist practitioners dominated the surveillance marketplace. A company might offer lawful intercept solutions, but not warrant management; or strictly mobile location; or analytics and … [Read more...]
Subsentio Buys Neustar’s Lawful Intercept Business
Subsentio, a trusted third party provider (TTP) of CALEA solutions to U.S. communications service providers, has purchased the lawful intercept and warrant management businesses of Neustar. Key elements of the agreement: Communications service providers previously served by Neustar’s Legal Compliance Services (LCS) division are now under management by Subsentio. With … [Read more...]
Incognito Broadband Command Center: Not a Replacement for DPI
Canada’s Incognito Software is well regarded as a provider of OSS/BSS support for the communications service provider (CSP) industry, with a heavy emphasis on cable companies. But Incognito touts other skills, as well: the ability to collect customer IP data using a method the company claims to be more effective than Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). It's a bold claim, and not … [Read more...]
ATIS UHER: Lawful Intercept With German Engineering, Swiss Precision
C5IS reviews Germany’s ATIS UHER, one of the world’s longest-running acts in lawful intercept (LI) and recording devices for military, public safety and air traffic control. Think German science & engineering and a number of feats come to mind: the theory of relativity, the modern binary system, discovery of radio waves, the first telephone transmitter and for that … [Read more...]
Packet Forensics: DPI With Law Enforcement — and NSA — in Mind
To law enforcement and government agencies, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is an essential commodity offered by scores of vendors with little to separate one from another -- unless perhaps the provider has the cachet of a Packet Forensics. Based in Tempe, Arizona, USA, Packet Forensics has built a successful livelihood around features that place it in the top ranks of companies … [Read more...]