In honor of Veteran’s Day and similar observances worldwide in remembrance of patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty, November is dedicated as C5IS Military Month. During November 2014, C5IS will highlight the chief battlefield communications and intelligence challenges facing war fighters, and review government-made and commercial electronic surveillance … [Read more...]
The U.S. Intelligence Community: It’s a Military Thing
The U.S. Intelligence Community is: (A) a vital collaborative hub for diverse intelligence agencies; or (B) an array of intel bureaucracies with occasionally overlapping responsibilities. Pick your answer. Established in 1947, the U.S. Intelligence Community is one of the few government functions more likely to be mistaken for a concept than an entity. Say “intelligence … [Read more...]
CRFS – RF Spectrum Monitoring That Puts Targets in the Crosshairs
C5IS closes out our review of UK surveillance companies with a look at CRFS, market leader in RF spectrum monitoring and SIGINT. So much space is devoted to network-focused mobile location used to position targets that one might easily forget the greatest threats to national security are often relayed not over communications networks but through the air via radio by perps … [Read more...]
Ukraine’s Secret Weapon: World-Class Surveillance Technologies
Ukraine. Europe’s bread basket. It has well-developed manufacturing and technology sectors. Lately these positives have been overshadowed by civil war and the country’s unwanted status as poster child for Russian aggression. But Ukraine is far from helpless. A hidden asset that helps keep Putin & Co. in check: Ukrainian companies that field surveillance and intelligence … [Read more...]