C5IS reviews Singapore’s S2T, a specialist in Dark Web data and identity extraction. Sometimes military analysts tracking targets on social media get lucky. Tucked among the usual recruitment videos and propaganda, a member of ISIS tweets about his “command and control” capabilities and adds a photo. Analysts tag that quickly and within hours, as happened earlier this month, … [Read more...]
ATIS UHER: Lawful Intercept With German Engineering, Swiss Precision
C5IS reviews Germany’s ATIS UHER, one of the world’s longest-running acts in lawful intercept (LI) and recording devices for military, public safety and air traffic control. Think German science & engineering and a number of feats come to mind: the theory of relativity, the modern binary system, discovery of radio waves, the first telephone transmitter and for that … [Read more...]
3.27.2015 -Top Surveillance News That Didn’t Make the Cut
Once again C5IS brings you top surveillance news relevant to the field but overlooked by media. Our picks this week: Images That Fool Machine Learning. So much for trying to wed artificial intelligence and video surveillance. Researchers at Cornell University and the University of Wyoming Evolving AI Laboratory "have created images that look to humans like white noise or … [Read more...]
Israel’s Ability: Topnotch Off-the-Air Interception
With all the fanfare surrounding the IMSI catcher, scant attention has been paid to its lesser known “off the air” cousin -- hence today’s review of Israel’s Ability, a leader in passive off the air mobile interception solutions prized by military, intelligence and law enforcement customers. Unlike many companies in the surveillance biz that turned up post-9/11 to capitalize … [Read more...]
PKI Electronics: Germany’s Surveillance Mega-Store
In an industry marked by furtiveness and indirection, it is refreshing to come across and do business with PKI Electronics, a company so candid about its niche you’d think you were shopping in a mall instead of with one of the world’s most sophisticated and diverse providers of electronic surveillance technologies. PKI Electronics is like a “Kingsman” outlet for everyone … [Read more...]