A little more than two years have passed since Marine Corps veteran Nate Fick took the helm as CEO at Endgame Systems. Fick has turned Endgame toward providing vulnerability intelligence and away from the company’s once-vaunted Zero Day capabilities. The question is whether Endgame would entirely abandon such a valuable asset. Answer: They’d rather not say. At the heart of … [Read more...]
Paladion: Where Malware and Information Security Meet
With the infusion of US $10 million last June from long time investor Nadathur Holdings, India’s Paladion is on track to become a leading information security player. Who better to devise state-of-the-art defenses of priceless data assets than a company that knows malware from experience: through its use against criminals and terrorists? Many a provider of lawful intercept … [Read more...]
Exploring the Fuzzy Math of U.S. Cyber Defense
U.S. cyber defense is finally getting its act together. This year the Obama Administration unveiled a new Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center to coordinate intel on cyber threats. The proposed fiscal year budget for 2016 rose to US $14 billion for cyber activities. Included in this budget: US $500 million for 3,000 new cyber experts at Cyber Command and US $227 million … [Read more...]
3.27.2015 -Top Surveillance News That Didn’t Make the Cut
Once again C5IS brings you top surveillance news relevant to the field but overlooked by media. Our picks this week: Images That Fool Machine Learning. So much for trying to wed artificial intelligence and video surveillance. Researchers at Cornell University and the University of Wyoming Evolving AI Laboratory "have created images that look to humans like white noise or … [Read more...]
Behind the News: French Push Surveillance Law; No VUPEN at Pwn2Own
As a journal focused on analysis, C5IS typically relegates news coverage to media outlets, but this week we'll make an exception for stories everybody else missed: new moves in France promoting surveillance law overhaul; zero day king VUPEN's apparent no-show at the annual InfoSec Pwn2Own competition; the demise of the EFF's "Jewel vs. NSA" lawsuit; and on a lighter note, a … [Read more...]