Of the top homegrown players in Russian Lawful Intercept, one stands out as a key provider of solutions for the state police: Protei, based in St. Petersburg. Established in 1997, Protei manufactures a line of equipment that meets the technical requirements laid down in SORM, the set of mandatory capabilities for intercepting wireline, mobile, Internet, social media and … [Read more...]
Telesoft Technologies: Probes for Voice, Data and DPI
Serving more than 250 communications companies in 100 countries, Telesoft Technologies is one of the world’s most formidable and prestigious providers of systems used by law enforcement and intelligence to intercept voice, data and packet content. Located in Dorset, UK -- and not to be confused with another Telesoft, a provider of fixed and mobile telecom expense management … [Read more...]
Deep Surveillance With Roke Manor Research
Say the words “Roke Manor Research” and many industry observers immediately think in terms of advanced radars for the military, smarter air traffic control and state-of-the-art “manpacks” that outfit today’s soldier for electronic warfare -- but not necessarily the sophisticated array of surveillance technologies expressly designed for law enforcement and intelligence gathering … [Read more...]
BAE Systems Applied Intelligence: a Brand and a Statement
C5IS kicks off this month’s focus on the British surveillance industry with a report on BAE Systems Applied Intelligence. The United Kingdom has some 20-plus significant vendors of electronic surveillance products and services, perhaps surprising for a country Britain’s size. Then again, this is the land that developed the world’s first modern foreign intelligence agency … [Read more...]
Palantir: Visualizing the Future of Crime and Terrorism
Is Big Data the next dot.com -- a field of limitless potential, spawning countless startups and true believers, and perhaps for those very reasons ripe for something to let the air out? Not if the Big Daddy of Big Data, Palantir, has anything to say about it. Big Data, in case you’ve missed the hype, is the result of rapid growth in the volumes/types of data, so extreme that … [Read more...]